
Dumville (David N.)

  • (agents)
Dumville, David N., “From late antiquity to early modernity: a history of Gaelic literature, A.D. 250–1750”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 36 (2018): 90–104.
Dumville, David N., “Frivolity and reform in the church: the Irish experience, 1066–1166”, Studies in Church History 48 — The church and literature (2012): 47–64.  

In mid November 1064, what was perhaps the most important pre-Crusade pilgrimage to Jerusalem left Bavaria under the leadership of Günther, bishop of Bamberg. The number of pilgrims, all unarmed, is stated as some seven thousand in the least incredible source text. The leading ecclesiastics came from all over the northern half of the Empire, from Utrecht to Regensburg. A substantial contingent hailed from the province of Mainz, led by Archbishop Siegfried. Only some two thousand are said to have returned the following year. Our earliest source is the chronicle kept at Mainz by the Gaelic inclusus, Moelbrigte / Marianus Scottus (d. 1082/3), who had lived at Mainz since 1069 and was certainly writing his chronicle by 1073/4.

Dumville, David N., “Political organisation in Dál Riata”, in: Fiona Edmonds, and Paul Russell (eds), Tome: studies in medieval Celtic history and law in honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards, 31, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2011. 41–52.
Dumville, David N., “Vikings in Insular chronicling”, in: Stefan Brink, and Neil Price (eds), The Viking world, London and New York: Routledge, 2008. 350–367.
Dumville, David N., “Charters from ‘The Book of Kells’ transcribed for James Ussher”, in: David N. Dumville, Celtic essays, 2001–2007, 2 vols, vol. 1, Aberdeen: Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Aberdeen, 2007. 233–256.
Dumville, David N., Celtic essays, 2001–2007, 2 vols, vol. 2, Aberdeen: Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Aberdeen, 2007.
Dumville, David N., A palaeographer's review: the insular system of scripts in the early Middle Ages, 2 vols, vol. 2, Kansai University Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies, Sources and Materials Series, 20.2, Suita, Osaka: Kansai University Press, 2007.
Dumville, David N., Celtic essays, 2001–2007, 2 vols, vol. 1, Aberdeen: Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Aberdeen, 2007.
Dumville, David N., “Post-colonial Gildas: a first essay”, Quaestio Insularis 7 (2006): 1–21.
Dumville, David N., Brenhinoedd y Saeson, ‘The kings of the Saxons’, AD 682–954: texts P, R, S in parallel, Basic Texts for Medieval British History, 1, Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, Department of History, 2005.
Dumville, David N., “English script in the second half of the ninth century”, in: Katherine OʼBrien OʼKeeffe, and Andy Orchard (eds), Latin learning and English lore: studies in Anglo-Saxon literature for Michael Lapidge, 2 vols, vol. 1, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. 305–325.
Dumville, David N., “Mael Brigte mac Tornáin, pluralist coarb (†927)”, Journal of Celtic Studies 4 (2004): 97–116.
Dumville, David N., Abbreviations used in insular script before A.D. 850: tabulation based on the work of W. M. Lindsay, Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Manuscript Studies, 2, Cambridge: Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge, 2004.
Dumville, David N., “The colophon of ‘The Penitential of Uinniau’”, in: Louis Lemoine, and Bernard Merdrignac (eds), Corona monastica: moines bretons de Landévennec. Histoire et mémoire celtiques. Mélanges offerts au père Marc Simon, Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004. 167–178.
Dumville, David N., The early mediaeval Insular churches and the preservation of Roman literature: towards a historical and palaeographical reëvaluation, Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Manuscript Studies, 3, Cambridge: Department of ASNC, 2004. iv + 51 pp.
Ó Néill, Pádraig P., and David N. Dumville [eds. and trs.], Cáin Adomnáin and Canones Adomnani, Basic Texts in Gaelic History, 2, Cambridge: Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge, 2003.
Dumville, David N., “Ireland and North Britain in the earlier Middle Ages: contexts for Míniugud senchusa fher nAlban”, in: Colm Ó Baoill, and Nancy R. McGuire (eds), Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2000, Aberdeen: An Clò Gaidhealach, 2002. 185–212.
Dumville, David N., “Félire Óengusso. Problems of dating a monument of Old Irish”, Éigse 33 (2002): 19–48.
Dumville, David N., Annales Cambriae, A.D. 682-954: texts A-C in parallel, Cambridge: Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge, 2002. pp. v-xix + 1-24.
Dumville, David N., “St Cathróe of Metz and the hagiography of exoticism”, in: John Carey, Máire Herbert, and Pádraig Ó Riain (eds), Studies in Irish hagiography: saints and scholars, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001. 172–188.
Dumville, David N. [ed.], “Cethri prímchenéla Dáil Riata”, Scottish Gaelic Studies 20 (2000): 170–191.
Dumville, David N., “The chronicle of the kings of Alba”, in: Simon Taylor (ed.), Kings, clerics and chronicles in Scotland, 500–1297: essays in honour of Marjorie Ogilvie Anderson on the occasion of her ninetieth birthday, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000. 73–86.
Dumville, David N., Saint David of Wales, Kathleen Hughes Memorial Lectures, 1, Cambridge: ASNC, 2000.
Dumville, David N., A palaeographer's review: the insular system of scripts in the early Middle Ages, 2 vols, vol. 1, Kansai University Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies, Sources and Materials Series, 20.1, Suita, Osaka: Kansai University Press, 1999.
Dumville, David N., Councils and synods of the Gaelic early and central Middle Ages, Quiggin Pamphlets on the Sources of Mediaeval Gaelic History, 3, Cambridge: Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge, 1997. ii + 62 pp.


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March 2018, last updated: August 2021